Motivating through understanding - that's what CIRCYOULAR® is all about. With our CIRCYOULAR®| ANALYSIS you will not only get to know your customers and participants better, you will actually be on the same wavelength. The personal analysis at the outset enables you to achieve results that would otherwise take a lot more effort to achieve, and removes barriers to your ability to communicate. CIRCYOULAR® is a 'door opener' that allows you to enter without waiting. The new way to boost motivation.
Each participant receives a digital questionnaire to fill in.
The results are then evaluated by the CIRCYOULAR® platform.
Each participant then receives a personal evaluation of the results, which is explained and analysed by a CIRCYOULAR® | MASTER".
The CIRCYOULAR® | MASTER is now optimally prepared for the training session with the participants and can focus on their strengths.
With the insights and results gained, teams can now work together more harmoniously and successfully.
Results improve, time can be used more efficiently, for example for more personal development, which increases overall effectiveness.
CIRCYOULAR® is a motivation analysis platform based on scientific findings. Fact: we are all motivated. But very few people know WHAT motivates them. CIRCYOULAR® addresses this by creating a so-called DRIVES DNA based on individual motivators (DRIVES). A tailor-made localisation of motivation that makes it easier to understand certain situations - whether in a one-to-one conversation, in a team or in the whole company.
Based on an analysis of various parameters, CIRCYOULAR® first and foremost creates understanding for one another and thus enables us to appreciate the individual strengths and drivers of our fellow human beings. At the same time, CIRCYOULAR® reveals tensions and, above all, potentials that enable constructive and goal-oriented communication - from managers to employees and applicants.
CIRCYOULAR® is the tool to understand your customers before the first appointment, so you know exactly what to focus on with your Training. Your audience feels understood and you can coach and address each one individually. Using a colour system, CIRCYOULAR® analyses the motivation, preferences and problems of each participant and gives you a precise evaluation so that you can quickly correct any weaknesses and problems. In this way, CIRCYOULAR® is not only a tool, it is also in a way ... magic - and will make you an impressive magician.